A strapless adult onesie.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Just another manic Friday?
The trio blathering less than quietly about their impending doom... err bar exam, is giving me PTSD flashbacks.
And keeping me awake.
There are worse things than the bar though... And I am one of them. *ominous music*
(Should have posted at 7:27am.)
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
This morning I switched train cars twice to find a car where no one was chattering. Then, when the train started to move, the chattering began in that car too.
For a while, I debated various forms of homicide.
And then, in a burst of sparkles and irony, my phone rang. Okay no actual sparkles but definitely irony.
It was my grandmother and thus a choice between liver chewing now (she wants me to do THINGS) or liver chewing later.
I picked now.
For the record though, it was not a quiet car, I kept my voice low and got her off the phone as quickly as I could (have you ever tried to cut off a Jewish grandma in full speed ahead mode?).
And to be fair to grandma, she did wish me a happy anniversary before the liver chewing commenced.
Ah family.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dear train benchmate,
If your morning routine involves so much cologne that people sitting next to you (in this instance, that being me) get watering eyes, you may need to seriously revisit that.
Also, pretty sure the small round spots on my shirt that weren't there this morning are your fault. So if you don't rethink your little policy, do the train janitors a favor and never sit next to me again. Cleaning up blood is hard.
No love,
Dear person in front of me on the metrocard queue,
If you don't know how to swipe a metrocard, the morning rush hour isn't the time to learn. You made me just late enough to miss my train so I had to wait two minutes for the next one and lost me at least one hundred points in the speed game*. And I was doing so good this morning too.
Please not being suicidal, yes?
Your not so kindly disposed fellow New Yorker.
Dear whoever it was that got reddish powder on my pants,
You suck.
*the speed game is a test of spatial awareness and endurance in maneuvering around the City. You get points for slipping into crevices in the crowd, avoiding bumbling passers by and getting to your destinations as quickly as possible.
Friday, June 22, 2012
The road not taken redux.
He has served his penance.
*Cream puffs should never ever contain pudding of any kind, be filled with whipped cream or ice cream only occasionally and always, always burst full of proper pastry cream. And if I have to explain what pastry cream is to the person behind the pastry counter, I will not, in fact, purchase any pasties from such counter but will rather back away slowly until I feel safe enough to turn my back and run screaming into the night.
The road not taken...
That's what I get for letting the spouse creature pick the restaurant...
Mediocre marinara in little Italy that's about ten grades below what I make at home.
Should have gotten French. Mm cow brain.
Daily Battles
Every morning, as I slowly slide open the glass closet door, I stare down into the unblinking eyes of Furry Terror (cat II), as he contemplates... To do or not to do. And every morning, he comes to the same conclusion, his furry little body darting past me to hide under the white shelf below my hanging skirts and pants... Definitely and absolutely to do.
And so, every morning, I reach for the spray bottle and attempt to imitate machine gun rounds with water for about ten seconds before he concedes defeat and hurriedly departs the field of battle.
Dumb cat never learns.
But at least he has an excuse. He's just a baby cat.
What excuse do people have?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Open Letter
Dear people of New York,
Please do not wear hideous shoes with cute outfits and adorable hair. (Especially ugly bulky sandals that should only ever be worn by hippies in movies.)
It makes me peevish.
You wouldn't like me when I'm peevish.
Judge, jury and executioner. (Yes I went there.)
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Mental Letter to Train Passenger III
Dear utter moron in the quiet car this morning,
Your alleged failure to notice the five billion signs announcing the advent of the quiet car and your complete inability to not be chatting to someone have kept me from my morning nap.
This makes me peevish.
If it was up to me, people like you would be spit roasted slowly in warning to potential transgressors.
Be grateful that I don't run the world yet and learn to read more and speak less.
No love,
The woman who wants to muzzle you.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
To Sleep?
Last night I had a dream. In that dream, I was the mother of a tiny adorable baby who I for some reason carted around completely naked bar a towel I slung over my shoulder. As you might imagine, disaster struck, as my little darling peed on the head of a sports player who was sprawled on the game field... Apparently to my utter shock.
So the question begs, is dream me really stupid or subconsciously extra evil?
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Death to Meme
And, when I look, all I can see is the five different ways that statement becomes utterly absurd if you follow it to its logical conclusion. Maybe I am practicing reductio ad absurdum and maybe I'm bored of people not thinking through the ideas that they throw their staunch support behind.
The thing is usually these memes are ostensibly positive things. So would it be wrong to just take a pointy thing and go STABSTABSTAB to their delusion balloon? Because I kind of think the world would be a better place if people tried to actually do good things rather than just repost meaningless memes as if it somehow absolved them of responsibility to be contributing members of the global society. [Not that destroying their delusions would actually force them to take real action... but alas a woman can dream...]
Or I just a bad person? [Cause I'm okay with that too.]
First World Problems?
Friday, June 15, 2012
Theory on Life
Mental Letter to the Subway
For the record - smelling like chocolate would be a plus.
Train Time
Because, hello... Napti-zzz...
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Mental Letter to Train Passenger II
[Originally posted today at 6:41pm.]
People Watching
The Thoughts That I Think
[Originally posted today at 8:59am.]
Character Building Exercise
Tech and Trains
Mental Letters to Train Passengers
People Thoughts II
Babies look cute in onesies. Adults look like they're trying to look cute. Usually this is a recipe for looking like an idiot.
I have been advised that the way to identify gay men is by shoes. This leaves metrosexuals in an awkward position.
Sexy, high-heeled shoes and backpacks are a strange, awkward combination. (Apparently today is a shoe day.)
People Thoughts
Climate Change IS Real
Girrrrl Power
A Love Letter to a Cat
[Originally posted on June 6, 2012, at 7:14am.]
End of the Day
[Originally posted on June 5, 2012, at 9:35pm].
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