Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Dear mta,

I get that rails break and shit happens. So I don't blame you for the fact that my train could be up to 40 minutes late.

What I do blame you for is randomly switching another train to my track, which you then didn't move out until it was four minutes late. This means that not only was my train coming into the station at the last minute and thus would be pulling out late but you are also making me wait outside for ten finger chilling minutes.

I specifically waited in the car until the train pulled into the correct track. And it was the wrong train!

No love mta. No love.

I hope your office heat breaks down so you can enjoy your cold bits like I am right now.

And a pox upon your house. A mild but itchy pox.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

My eyes...

Today in Penn station I saw a woman pushing a dog in a stroller.

That is all.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Appropriate Court Wear? Hah!

Dear fellow attorney lady,

I know. The courts are stuck in the 80s and those suits are so so stuffy when you have to wear them every day. And let's not even go on about the high heeled shoes we are for some reason expected to wear. 

Yeah I too remember being told in law school that women should be wearing skirt suits, heels and pearls to interviews and court. Because, it's the 80s. Or maybe the 60s. But definitely not the modern era where women can wear pants and flats. Because the court system sucks that's why.


All this sexism aside, a bright blue skirt that was gently tip toeing into mini-skirt land and cowboy boots, no matter how demure the blazer they were matched with, are just not okay.

I don't even know what you were trying to do there. But don't do it again.

With love,

Vixen [who also sometimes wishes to wear outlandish things to court... BUT NEVER DOES!]

And for a bonus:

Kudos lady who I am pretty sure is not a lawyer. Your ensemble of sweatpants and uggs in court was just breathtaking. Keep up the crazy work.